Can I connect from home to the platform to attend the courses?

Yes, the platform is designed for you to navigate from any place where there is a computer, tablet or cell phone with Internet connection.

How many hours per day should I dedicate to the course?

For the individual activities you should dedicate at least one hour a day to review the material and complete them. In the case of collaborative work, it varies from one to two hours for the correct development of the work you have to do with your classmates. Generally, we calculate a weekly dedication of 12 to 15 hours.

What are the evaluation instances and what weighting do they have in the final result?

They are weekly evaluations and/or practical work, as well as discussion forums. The final grade is generally a weighted average of the course activities. That is why it is important that you review the course schedule, where each activity and its period of completion is detailed.

What is the deadline for each activity?

The weekly activities will be available until Sunday at 23:55 Panama time (please take into account time differences).

How do I pass the course?

You must obtain a final result of 80% between all the evaluation instances.

How can I ask questions to the tutor who teaches the course?

You can do it through the platform, with the forum and message tools, which are enabled when you enter the course.

Which browser should I use to attend the online courses?

You can use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari; since our platform is NOT compatible with all versions of Internet Explorer/EDGE of Windows. It is also important that you have Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player and JAVA installed/updated. We have an "Update your Plugins" block for these purposes in the course.